
Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Give Socks!!

When Faced With A Homeless Person What Do You Do?  I Give Them Socks!
By: Shay Spivey-Mays, BSW, MSW. 9/26/13.

How do you feel when you pull up to a red light or freeway ramp and see a homeless person standing with a sign?  Most people, depending on the day, feel uncomfortable and want to avoid the request for a financial donation.  To be honest there have been situations when I thought:  “If I look straight ahead and do not make eye contact they will not approach me.  Please do not let them walk up to my window today.”  Most of the time I just do not have the extra cash to spare.   

I have never been at ease with "doing nothing" when I see someone in need.  That fact that I am a giver-at-heart compels me to help others in need.  Though I have experienced a few negative encounters that have contributed to my feelings of uncertainty when giving cash, the good experiences far outweigh the bad.  I am not alone and realize that many people wonder if they should give money to the homeless on the street and if it really helps. 

So what do I do in this situation?  I give socks.

I give socks to the homeless standing on street corners, freeway ramps, panhandling on downtown streets, and standing outside stores.  I keep a bag of new socks in the front seat of my car so that I can hand them out the window in a hurry with a smile.  I give several pairs and I am always greeted with “Thank you!  I needed socks”.

I never have to ignore the person holding a sign that asks for help again!  When faced with a homeless person what do you do?  I give them socks!


By: Shay Spivey-Mays, BSW, MSW. September 26, 2013.
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